Depression Help:
Exercise For Depression

Exercise for depression is one of the best natural depression remedies.

Have you seen what we are doing so far? We are building a set of habits that would make anybody a better person. These are healthy habits that you are doing, not because you are depressed, but because you want to enjoy life. This must be true or you wouldn’t be reading this now.

The body is connected to the mind. The better we take care of the body, the better we can enjoy life.

Learn about the mind and body connection here.

The Benefits Of Exercise For Depression

Exercise has a way of complimenting, and even boosting the effects of the other depression help techniques. Here's what I mean.

The benefits of exercise for depression are:

Image: Ambro /

  • Interrupt The Body’s Response To Depression. Exercise fills the body with energy, effectively interrupting the depressed hunchback syndrome, the sleepiness, low level energy, and other debilitating depression symptoms.
  • Cleanse The Body. Exercise increases blood flow cleaning all the stress toxins in our body that help trigger depression.
  • Improve Mindfulness. Exercise makes the body feel stronger and healthier. Since the body connects to the mind, the effect is an increased ability to practice and achieve mindfulness and meditation skills.
  • Enhance Meditation. Exercise strengthens the respiratory system regulating and helping you control your breathing. Your breaths become more controlled, deeper, and stronger. Breathing is a principal element of meditation.
  • Support Nutrition. Fitness regulates the body's metabolism. When we exercise, the body craves healthy foods, but we have to ensure you feed yourself lots of healthy, nutrition rich food for your new healthy body. Especially eat lots of fruits and vegetables to feed and help your body and mind.
  • Improve Restful Sleep. Exercise is a great sleep regulator. You’ll feel much more prone to sleep during bed time.
    NOTE: Try not to exercise just before bedtime. This may have the opposite effect, and keep you up.
  • Boost Self Esteem. Working out makes us look younger and healthier. This is a fact. As an example, look at all the makeover shows. A big part of making somebody look younger and better looking is with exercise.

    Have you noticed at a gym how people look at themselves in the mirror? That’s because working out betters the body, and lifts the spirit. And why not admire your own healthier body? It’s a wonderful thing.

Types Of Exercise For Depression

For best results, do a mix of anaerobic and aerobics exercise.

  • Anaerobic fitness is used to promote strength, speed and power. Anaerobic examples are strength training with weights, and short distance running.
  • Aerobics fitness intends to improve the oxygen system. Aerobic means "with oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen in the body's metabolic or energy-generating process.

    exercise is normally performed at a moderate level of intensity over a relatively long period of time. Examples are jogging, biking, brisk walking and brisk walking

Image: graur razvan ionut /

Exercise For Depression Program

NOTE: Consult your doctor before you start any exercise for depression program.

Here's what I recommend you do for your exercise for depression self help program.

  • Combine Aerobics and Anaerobic Exercise. Follow a routine of strength exercise, such as weight training, followed with at least 20 minutes aerobic training, such as brisk walking, jogging, biking, treadmill, etc.
  • Consider Joining a Gym. Joining your local gym can give you an incentive to continue your exercise program. Ask the gym trainer to set up a strength training and aerobics plan. Remember, we need a strong body, as well as strong lungs and heart. Do both types of training--daily if possible.
  • Consider A Home Gym. If you can not, or do not want to join a gym; no problem--you can set up a gym at home. You do not need all the gadgets a gym has. You only need a few key items to have a full gym at home.

    One of my favorite websites for at home workouts is

    Although I do go to the gym, I follow his program because I have found it to be the best all-natural fitness website. I do not get any commissions from this website. I simply find it has the best and healthiest fitness programs, and I am happy to recommend it.
  • Complete Your Workout. Make sure you do strength training on your whole body. For example, very often people tend to ignore working out legs. Exercise your whole body.

    Many strength training programs usually schedule different body parts on different days. Others do it all in one day. The important thing is you start the routine and you are going for a full body workout.
  • Schedule Your Exercise. Although I recommend you workout daily, you could get away with...

    Anaerobics, strength training
    as little as three to four times a week.

    should be at least 20 minutes, five days a week.

    Obviously there are times when we won’t be able to do this religiously, but that is the goal. So if you falter, just recover, and press on with your routine the next day.

So there you have it. Exercise your way into health and be depression free.

Exercise is a very important step in the treating depression. Follow this depression self help natural remedy, and you will be depression free, and healthier than ever before.

Live well, be strong and live happy.

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