Happy Boxing Day

The power of giving is essential for our health and well being.

Boxing Day, therefore can be an essential day for our depression self help efforts.

Boxing day is traditionally celebrated on 26 December, the day after Christmas, which is also St. Stephen's Day, a religious holiday.

Boxing Day is observed in Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.  The tradition stems from the days when the British wealthy would give a box containing a gift to their servant.

Boxing Day is a good day to celebrate as it evolved into a day to give to the poor.

Life can be unbalanced by too much receiving.  We are social creatures by nature, and it is in our being to feel well by looking after the needs of others.

On this special time of year when gifts flow to one another, happiness, stress, and parties intermingle in our lifes, we are called to participate in the well-being of those who are less fortunate than us.

Looking out for the need of others is one of the simple ways to achieve happiness and worthiness in our lives.

There are many ways to help others in need.  This could be as simple as getting online and finding a charity website and making a donation.  If you do this, read the benefits of your donations, and the good it would do to others.

You could find and participate in your local homeless shelter or benefits group.  Even an hour of your time is well appreciated.

Hoping you had a wonderful Christmas, I encourage you to take the courage and help others as well.

Live well, live happy, live depression free.